Oliver’s Village provides various social services such as education, training, skills development, early childhood development and food security, with the objective of facilitating sustainable access to the economy. Their beneficiaries come from the disadvantaged areas of Daveyton, Etwatwa and Wattville on the East Rand. The social service infrastructure of these communities is very limited; therefore, Oliver’s Village is committed to providing free and responsible services to the most vulnerable within these communities.
The organisation has been built on a solid foundation through the generosity, thoughtfulness and compassion of their supporters and partners, from the classrooms of the Education and Computer training centre to the playground of the Children’s Care Centre, such a foundation has been vital, as the increased demand for their services continuously stretch their limited resources.
The Plastic Bubbles Contribution
Plastic Bubbles donated kitchen goodies – plastic dessert bowls/mixing bowls/jugs/water bottles/basins/laundry baskets to be used in their pre–school soup kitchens.
These items are very handy in the pre-school kitchen and will be further distributed amongst their beneficiaries in the soup kitchen at the Village.
We were so happy to see the children and staff so excited.
What this means to Plastic Bubbles
There is nothing more rewarding than adding a simple smile to all the staff and disadvantaged children in our community.
To get involved or donate visit: https://oliversvillage.co.za/get-involved/